Sunday, June 14, 2009

OAR, SAIC, and The Green Dream

Being so involved with recycling, conservation, and renewable energy in my personal life, I was happy to volunteer to assist in a recycling booth last week. Rock Band OAR and corporate sponsor SAIC teamed up recently to encourage recycling and conservation. OAR calls this their “Green Dream Tour.”

For my efforts I received a souvenir T-shirt, an opportunity to meet the band, and free admission to the concert. More importantly, I had the opportunity to spread the word about the importance of recycling and conservation. The band, my co-volunteers, and everyone else involved was fun to work with. This was an enjoyable evening. Here are a few pictures…..

The band, and SAIC volunteers.

The fabulous Fox Theater in St. Louis.

Setting up.

OAR on stage.

Great show! The packed house really seemed to enjoy it.


1 comment:

Car Reviews said...

I have read this post and found it very interesting.