Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Solar Panels at Gitmo

Does anyone know what the plastic rods on top of the solar panels are for? My guess is that their purpose is to keep birds from perching there.

Gitmo has windmills too...


Unknown said...

Hey, you're still here!



Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

Anonymous said...

Were they hollow rods If so then my guess were they were part of a weather monitoring system tied into the solar array. We have some in the field that measure precipitation, temp, solar irradiance, wind speed and the like tied into the monitoring system.

Unknown said...

Hmm, I know this is a bit of a delayed post, but I think I'm going to have to copy that GITMO PV idea to stop the birds perching on some of my panels near a feeder!



Alexander said...

Good post and a good idea.